Friday, 31 August 2012

Episode 210- Pick Me, Choose Me, Love Me

Hey Awkward watchers and welcome to this weeks review of Awkward. This week we saw Jenna become more popular in "Pick me, Choose me, Love me." becuase of her blog being exposed. The episode begins with Jenna finding out that her parents are possibly back tougther? When Lacey refuses to let Jenna drive her car to school seeing as it was spray painted she drives Jenna to school where she finds out that everyone knows she wrote the letter. One thing that I still don't understand is why none of her friends are asking her about her mom writing the letter. Meanwhile, Sadie has her own issues going own and Lisa trys to give her help. Matty and Jake are still not talking to Jenna or each other which only adds to her list of problems. Jake and Matty have a change of heart in french class after watching a movie that relates to their situation and become friends again. However that dosen't change the fact that they both love Jenna and they decide to make her decide who she wants so it dosen't ruin their new lovey frienship. Jenna can't make up her mind and tells them to date each other. Jenna's mom has been getting calls all day saying "How mean she is" and is going on the down low by herself. Jenna goes and bonds with her mom by singing a nurserey rythme her mom use to sing to her.

Next on Awkward..
Jenna gets a do over with both Jake and Matty and finally comes to a desision.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Episode 209-Homewrecker Hamilton

Hey guys and welcome to this week's review of Awkward. Let's get right into it, The episode starts off with Jenna's dad giving her a car as a divorce present? After it shows Jenna, Ming (Finally) and Tamara sitting in Jenna's car analizing the text Jenna got in the morning from:?. I have to say I don't really understand why the writers did that since it looks alittle copy and pasted since it's a Pretty Little Liars trademark. After Jenna tries to talk to Jake who repediatley shuts her down and it looks like Matty isn't doing any better. Matty confronts Sadie about telling Jake and she dosen't hesitate telling him. Which brings us to the showdown between Jake and Matty (We all saw it happen in the promo). Jenna voulenteers herself up to go to the "Wheel of pep" which isn't all that peppy. Jake calls on Matty to come up to and everyone watches as they play a serious game of "Come clean or play dirty". I think it's safe to say that we get to see the other side of Jake in this episode. Jake starts to bash Jenna and Matty steps in and well things just escalaste from that point. Next thing you know Matty and Jake are sitting in Valaries office and she tries to give them alittle "Guidance"? Jenna's waiting outside for them and when they come out she ignores Matty and goes to Jake. Too bad for Jenna that Jake is still pissed at her and Jenna is left alone.Meanwhile Ming is having guy trouble herself when her crush tells her Becca was his ex and she's coming after Ming. Jenna's annomonyous commenter and her have a deep coversation and they leave Jenna with a big question. The next day Jenna comes to school and Tamara tells her everyone knows about her blog, When Jenna goes up to Jake and tells him she never cheated he says she humilated him? Am I the only one that dosen't know what he's talking about? When Tamara asks everyone "Who did it?" Jenna says she did. Then when she walks away she almost gets hit by a car and Sadie yet again announces it to the school.

Next On Awkward
Jenna has to make a desision between Matty and Jake.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Time After Time

Hey Awkward watchers and welcome to this week's Awkward review for "Time After Time". Last week the Awkward writers left us hanging last week with a "To Be Continued" but this week deffinatley answers some of my questions. We begin right where we left off, At Aunt Ally's wedding. Jake just found out his girlfriend was with Matty before him and freaks out and dumps Jenna. Jenna dosen't know Jake knows about her and Matty and nethier does Matty which makes Jake's phone call to Matty alittle Awkward. Lacey "Rekindels" her romance with her highschool sweetheart. When Jenna leaves the wedding and goes home and is crying in her bedroom who comes to the rescue? Matty. Matty and Jenna end up having a very good conversation and Matty and Jenna end up making out on her bed. At the very end of the episode after it's shown Matty and Jenna kissing it shows Jake seeing them make out through the window.Duh Duh Dun. Now let's talk about who's the commenter?
I'm starting to think one of Jenna's friends is the commenter prefrably Ming. She's got her mafia that can surley find Jenna's blog and at first I thought it was Matty or Jake but the commenter dosen't seem to be on #teammatty or #teamjake. Questions: Can the Matty and Jake thing happen like next episode? Is their gonna be another mysterious comment? Is someone other then the commenter gonna find Jenna's blog? Why is Ricky saying sweet thing to Tamara when he's with Sadie? #cheater.

Friday, 17 August 2012

Another One Bites The Dust

Hey there and welcome to the review for Awkwards season 3 episode 7 "Another One Bites The Dust". Lets get started, first off Aunt Allly is getting married? Then Jenna has to be the flower girl? Meanwhile Jake and Matty are at Matty's house and stumble apon the subject of Matty's mysterey girl. Matty still dosen't tell Jake #Getitoverwith. Is it just me or are we starting to see a pattern? Whenever Matty and Jenna are talking Jake always jumps in out of nowhere looking desperate to get Jenna's attetion. Matty goes to hang out with Courtney but I have a feeling he won't be gone for long.
Tamara is the substitue assistant weding planner and Ming is nowhere in sight. Ricky and Sadie are macking on each other throughout the wedding and when Jake tells Sadie to cool it for Tamara Sadie "Let's the cat out of the bag" for Jenna and Matty. In my opinion this has been the first decent thing Sadie has done and while spilling someone's secret is never good I feel like it had to be done. Questions of the night: Can we bring Ming back? Does Matty really like Courtney or is he just using her to make Jenna jealous? How will Jake react? Why does Jenna live with her mom instead of her dad when her mom wrote the letter? That's it for this review but check this blog every Friday for new updates.

Monday, 6 August 2012

What Come's First First. Love or Sex?

Hey there and welcome to the review for Awkward's latest episode "What Come's First, Love or Sex?" This episode was very.. Awkward. To start off Jenna has to deal with the aftermath saying "awesome" after Jake proclaimed his love for her. I feel bad for the "awesome" Jake got but isn't it better then a fake "I love you"? After talking to Tamara Jenna deciedes she needs to have sex with Jake in order to find out if she loves him. She accidentley makes a very public announcment that shouldn't have been heard over the P.A. system. Meanwhile Sadie and Ricky are happening? That was some pretty quick wasn't it? Matty finds out about Jake's "I love you" and Jenna's disapointing response and jokes about giving Jake pointers since he knows the "Jenna do's and don'ts". But this dosen't make me forget about Matty trying to come between Jenna and Jake and make's me wonder if he's still trying to get Jenna back. Who am I kidding? He totally is. My favourite quote of the night "You just know" I honestly don't know how you know you're inlove with someone but maybe that's just me. Questions of the night? Why isn't Jenna's mom still in the dog house with Jenna? Did Jake take a class on how to be a good boyfriend or is he just naturally a good one? What happened to Matty valentines day freshman? Are Ming and her boyfriend gonna be part of a big plot anytime this season? Can Valarie be my mentor when I take career classes in high school?

Monday, 30 July 2012

My Love Is A Black Heart

Welcome to the 5th episode review of Awkward Season 2. Let's get started, Starting off the episode it's Valentines Day and you know what that means: Couples who are all lovey dovey and singles who are hating on them. I'm not sure if getting hit with something just becuase your dating someone is very realstic but i'l play along. Jake's entraces when Matty and Jenna are deffinatley something and so is Matty going on a Valentines Day date with a freshmen. Jake and Jenna go on a romantic Valentines date too, And end up sitting next to Matty and his date. After a long uun-romantic night Jake walks Jenna to her door and tells her he loves her? Now let's start with the questions, First of all: Does Matty really like this girl or is it just another one of his ways to make Jenna jelly? Second, What's up with Jake saying he loves Jenna? I mean I know it's Valentines Day but they have only dating for two months since when they became oficcal was on New Years and this episode was Valentines Day. Let's talk about Tamara, Ricky with Sadie? I feel bad for Tamara but at the same time I really like the story line of Ricky and Sadie dating. Last but not least Jenna's parents seperating? I really don't know where the writers are going with this but i'm intrested to find out.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Are You There God? It's Me, Jenna.

Hey there Awkward watchers and welcome to this weeks review of Awkward episode 4. In this weeks episode Jenna takes a trip to Church camp with Lisa, Sadie and a few other people from the high school. Now before we get into that I have one question. WHERE IS MING?!?! Now for the church camp I feel bad for Jenna having to be stuck with Sadie all weekend but by the end of it it's looks like she's had a pretty good time aside from her screaming "Satain". I couldn't stop laughing at the amount of hugging action Jenna was getting. Now what'as up with this whole Matty thing? If Matty was trying to come inbetween Jake and Jenna then why is he checking out some girl? I can't believe how eaisly Jenna forgave her mom. And last but not least let's talk about the commenter. It remains a myysterey to me who it could be and my Matty suspetion has faded away.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Episode 203- Three's A Crowd

Welcome to another review of Awkwards newest season episode three. This episode started off with yet another Jenna and Jake love moment. But this time there's a twist, Matty's the third wheel. Now we have to remeber that Matty just confessed his "Love" for Jenna and she ignored it so Matty's definatley going to be heart- broken. You would think? But Matty seems fine, sort-of. Last episode Val got upgraded from Guidance Counsler to VP and now it looks like she's taking her new postition too seriously, I liked her better as a guidance counsler who gave bad advice then a VP who's acting like a bully. Tamara is back on her usual track of Ricky but Ming is nowhere in sight this episode. I have to say i'm liking Matty this episode he's showing his evil side. But Sadie "knows it all" and can tell Matty is trying to seduce Jenna even though he trys to deny it at first. Matty and Jenna have their first fight but then make-up geuss these love birds can't stand to be away from each other in hiding.
Jenna's parents are fighting and it's finally reveled of what's going to happen; Jenna's parents are getting a divorce. There's no new comments on Jenna's blog.. Good thing? The commenter is still unknown and I think it's ethier Ming or Matty.

Next on Awkward?
Jenna get's sent to Church camp and gets some quality facetime with Lissa and Sadie.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Episode 2- Sex, Lies and The Sanctuary

Hey Awkward veiwers and welcome to the 2nd review of Awkward season 2. The beggining of the episode starts off with Jenna and Jake being all lovey- dovey untill it hits a bump in the road whenn Jenna finds out the Sancturay has a video tape that is going public and she might be on it. The episode progresses and Matty tells Jenna he loves her after Jake telling him Jenna loved the guy that "De- Flowered" he. However Jenna dosen't return the feeling anymore and it looks as if this season is going to be #Team Jake. Now I have to be honest I liked season one of Awkward better, It was more real and season two is starting off well alittle fake. I think that Jenna is just running away from Matty becuase she dosen't want to get hurt but she can only run from her true feelings for abit. The best part of the episode was Matty and Jake talking and then Matty telling Jenna he loves her. Now let's take a look at the writer of the "Care-Frontation" letter, Lacey. For some reason the episode dosen't really focus on Lacey and Jenna's relesonship and I found that Jenna's reaction was alittle bit held back. I hope that as the episodes go on that story line is shown more. Now for the final thing let's talk about who commented on Jenna's blog. Honestly I think Matty is the main supspect, The comments sound like something coming from him.

Friday, 29 June 2012


Episode 201- Resoultions
Wow. The new episode of Awkward premiered last night and I must say it's not what I was execpting. In the episode Jenna goes to a New Year's Eve Party with Jake at Matty's house. Matty acts fast and tells Jenna he wants another chance. Jenna has 15 minitues to choose between Jake the guy who's not afraid to be offical and Matty who has been keeping her a secret for far too long. As the clock strikes midnight Jenna and Jake share a passionate kiss and Matty is greeted with Sadie and they began to makeout but he falls asleep leaving her frusterated. The episode ends with Jenna and Jake becoming "Online Offical" and Jenna finally dealing with her mothers "Care-Frontation" letter.
I must say this episode suprised me, Not only did Matty tell Jenna he wants another chance but Jake still hasn't figured out about Matty liking Jenna when even Sadie knows about it. However the commerical leaves me geussing about the next episode and if Matty and Jenna's secret and stay hidden for much longer.

Season Two Is Back

As you probebly know season two of Awkward is back and you know what that means.. Trailer Time. On Much Music the trailer for Akward is up seeing as it is this Thursday. I watched the trailer and I have to say it got me exicted for the new season. The trailer shows mainly the struggle for Jenna when choosing between Jake and Matty, And the struggle for her relesonship with her mom and dad when her dad finds out her mom wrote her the letter. One thing I must say about the trailer is that it shows that season two is going to be alot diffrent then season one. However I can't wait to watch the premeire this Thursday at 10:30 pm.